Waqf Al-Quran

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From Abū Hurayrah (R.A), Rasūlullāh ﷺ Said:
Among the acts and good deeds that will reach
a believer after his death are

“Knowledge which he learned and then spread;
a righteous son whom he leaves behind;
a copy of the Qur’an that he leaves a legacy;
a mosque that he built;
a house that he built for wayfarers;
a canal that he dug;
or charity that he gave during his
lifetime when he was in good health.

These deeds will reach him after his death.”

(Sahih Ibn Majah)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“Among what continues to accrue for a believer of
his good works after death are the following: knowledge that
he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom
he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ān that he bequeathed, a
mosque that he built, a guest house he built for travelers, a
river that he made to flow, and a charity he spends from his
wealth when he is in good health – all of this continues to
avail him after his death.”

(Sunan Ibn Mājah and Sunan al-Bahyaqí)

Our Movement

EMF is in collaboration with Yayasan Restu and Nasyrul Qur’an to create an Infaq and Waqaf of Al-Qur’an project for Schools and Madrasah. In preparation for the period when students will come and request Qur’an for their learning, A company called Nasyrul Qur’an is doing a project to provide quality Qur’an for students.

Nasyrul Qur’an is the second biggest Qur’an factory in the world by footprint spearheaded by Datuk Abdul Latiff Mirasa.

For every single word and letter recited by the person, you will receive the same rewards. It’s indeed one of the best deeds which is why traditionally, scholars will give Qur’an to their pupils and beloved people.

For the first round, we are opening opportunity for 250 pieces of Mushaf (book of Qur’an) for this great journey.

Our Achievement

Alhamdulillah this has been a very successful project. We targeted collecting 250 Qur’an within 2 weeks. This clearly shows that people are eager to do Waqaf for Qur’an, and it is a clear sign of their love of Qur’an because we have received more than 400 Qur’an to distribute.

A few days after the collection, we immediately went to the Qur’an factory In Putrajaya to collect the donated Qur’an and distributed some to those who have requested from us. Ustadh Huzaif Nozlan is running a small madrasah educating children in the science of Qur’an recitation in Klang, Malaysia. He was very thankful to the donors for the Qur’an he had received.

The complete process of designing, writing, editing, printing all happens under his care by some of the most talented calligraphers in the world. Make sure to make a trip to the Qur’an factory the next time you visit Malaysia. Kompleks Nasyrul Quran. Nasyrul Qur’an is the second biggest Qur’an factory in the world by footprint spearheaded by Datuk Abdul Latiff Mirasa.