Our Branches




Our branch in Philippines is called Erth Al Mustafa Philippines Incorporated. It is coordinated by Aliazer Abdurrahim. 

He is greatly experienced in humanitarian work and works tirelessly in leading every single project. This includes going to villages, islands and deep into the country to establish water wells and refurbish mosques, and ensure close working with the villagers. 

Ustadh Ahmad Imbing is the religious guide for EMF Philippines. Having studied in Indonesia for many years, he is now one of the most knowledgeable and active preachers in Philippines. 

EMF Philippines works dedicatedly to help people get access to clean water, food and proper local mosques, all while strengthening the faith of the Muslims in the villages through da’wah.


Our branch in Cambodia, is coordinated by Ustadh Ron Arifin, who studied in Dar Ul Mustafa, Tarim, Yemen.

They do up water wells, wudhu (ablution) facilities, houses for vulnerable people, repairing of mosques and support local scholars and madrasahs.


In Yemen we are partnering Ar Rafah foundation, which is led by Habib Umar Bin Hafidz. We concentrate on Yemen for our Ramadan campaigns and go there personally during that time as Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world, but receives the least help.

EMFs founder Imran Angullia spent nearly 6 years in Tarim, Yemen, studying under some of the greatest scholars of this world. Therefore he has close ties with Yemen and has a great wish to give back to the Yemenis, after having recived so much goodness from them himself.


In Singapore Vision 21 has been our vital partner in providing support for our activities. EMFs founder Imran Angullia is a Singaporean and started his da’wah activities there.